Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome Management Guidelines

Because combined vascular malformations are very rare, most physicians do not have a working knowledge of how to assess or treat issues that might arise. A team of vascular anomalists at Boston Children's Hospital, a leading treatment and research facility for all types of vascular malformation, put together a concise booklet of management guidelines to assist physicians and patients.

Boston Children's VAC is a leading treatment and research facility for all types of vascular malformations.  Their interdisciplinary clinic team is a dedicated group of medical and surgical specialists with a focus on vascular anomalies, both common and rare. 

Many thanks to the core assembly team for this publication, Dr. Ahmad Alomari and Dr. Gulraiz Chaudry, Maria DaRocha, Cindy Kerr, and Anna Lillis. 

Boston Children's Hospital Clinical Practice Guidelines for Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome 1 6 2016

Page last updated March 19, 2016